Cosmetic Dermatology

Hardwick Clinic a doctor led clinic which specialises in treatment of Rosacea, Acne and Pigmentation.
We combine both knowledge and practice of clinical and cosmetic medicine. This allows our patients to  enhance the results of theirs skin treatments or skin conditions using aesthetic medicine practices. All our treatments are evidence based, supported by clinical research and most importantly safe. Most common conditions that we treat at our clinic are Rosacea, Acne and Pigmentation. We often complement GP led prescription for these conditions with treatment options that are only available in privet sector.

We do not remove moles.

Common Conditions

Below is a list of the most common conditions that we treat as part of the cosmetic dermatology repertoire at the clinic. This is not a full list, we only provide examples of the most common treatment options. It is also advisable to contact your GP about your skin condition as you may be able to receive treatment on the NHS. At times we are also required to refer you to other skin specialists if the treatment that you require is not available at our clinic.


Common skin condition that causes spots. In simplistic terms the cause for this skin disorder is overactivity of oil glands and overgrows of bacteria on the skin.

Many factors such as hormones, skin inflammation, UV light, diet, use of anabolic steroids, cosmetics and certain medications or recreational drugs can make acne worse.
Depending on the severity, type of spots, underlying causes and the stage of the condition, e.g. acne scaring, we will advise different treatment plans.

The following treatment options are known to help patients suffering from acne.

  • Topical retinols, benzoyl peroxide, antibiotics, azelaic acid, steroids for some forms of scarring or silicon gel.
  • Injections of superficial botulinum toxin, mesotherapy to stimulate collagen production or micro needling. Dermal filler for treatment of scars.
  • Oral antibiotics or spiralactone, hormonal treatment, retinol
  • Laser treatment or ILP/Lumecca
  • Surgical removal of scars
  • Chemical peels


Rosacea is a long-term skin condition mainly affecting the centre of the face often starting between the age of 30-60 years old but can affect anyone.
There are several types of rosacea exist and they respond to different treatments. Some people have more than one type of the condition.

It is not fully understood what causes rosacea however certain triggers are known to make the condition worse, for example sunlight, spicy food, alcohol, exercise, hot drinks and some types of makeup.

At Hardwick Clinic we are able to assess the skin and advise on the treatment options which may be most suitable for certain types of rosacea.
The treatment options may include:

  • Use of topical prescription and non prescription cream
  • Oral medication
  • Laser therapy
  • Use of botox or other injectable treatments


Concerns with pigmentation and melanin synthesis are very common in general and become more problematic as we age.

Melanin production in our skin is influenced by genetics, Sun exposure, our lifestyle and health.  Hyperpigmentation  happens when  melanin is overproduced which can cause melasma, age spots, post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation and uneven skin tone in sun damaged/aged skin.

Hyperpigmentation of the skin requires a treatment approach that controls production of melanin and removal of the existent pigmented patches.

At Hardwick Clinic we offer wide range of treatment options that help to control and remove pigmentation.

Skin Lesions

We are able to offer treatment for warts, skin tags, cherry angiomas and other skin lesions when appropriate.

Why choose Hardwick Clinic?

At Hardwick Clinic we are able to assess the skin and advise on the treatment options which may be most suitable for you.


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Hardwick Clinic

Hardwick Clinic. 227 St. Neots road, Hardwick, Cambridge, CB23 7QJ

Call us on 0782 5215531

**Results and pictures are indicative only. Actual results may vary from patient to patient

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