Chemical Peel/Skin Resurfacing

At Hardwick Clinic we offer bespoke selection of chemical peel including medical grade chemical peel, TCA, Retinol, PCA and ZO range peels and facial treatments to meet needs and requirements of all our patients, developing a personalised treatment plan for all.

Read below to explore the treatments we use to achieve better complexion and to manage some skin conditions.

Discomfort level
No needles
Very little
Treatment areas

Chemical Peel in Cambridge

In general, a chemical peel is solution applied to the skin to remove dead skin cells and stimulate the growth of new cells.

It is used to improve the quality of skin, as an antiaging treatment and as part of the treatment for many skin disorders for example melasma, acne, rosacea, scaring and age spots.

    • It is not always necessary to have a significant period of downtime/peeling to see improvement in your skin after the treatment.
    • The period of down time and duration of down time depends on the depth of the peel and the strength of the chemical solution used.
    • It might also be necessary to have a course of treatments to achieve the desired effect.
    • We use a combination of treatments to achieve the best possible results for all of our patients, however our key treatment choices are outlined below

Our combination treatment choices can include complimentary use of Dermalux Light or specifically selected post procedure masks, to enhance the results of treatment even further.

Book a free consultation for your chemical peel in Cambridge today

ZO stimulating peel – Red Carpet Facial

Also known as the Red Carpet Facial this is an excellent treatment choice to have before an event to get that extra glow!

No down time. No skin preparation is required.

This peel utilises a combination of alpha-hydroxy acids (citric, glycolic and lactic) to exfoliate the epidermis (the skin’s outer layer)

We combine this treatment with ZO facial masks or Dermalux Light treatment.

PCA Perfecting peel

Key ingredients: Mandelic Acid, Lactic Acid
Retinol boosters are used to adjust the strengths of the peel as required

Chemical resurfacing treatment, formulated with AHA exfoliants and added Retinol Booster, encourages a brighter, lighter and tighter appearance.

Improves surface texture and fine lines, whilst helping to promote an even skin tone.

Suitable for all patients, especially those with Discolouration, Ageing skin, Acne and Breakout prone skin and Sensitive skin.

Not suitable for patients in pregnancy / lactation, Aggravated Rosacea, Active cold sore, Roaccutane, Psoriasis, Ingredient allergies- Nut Allergy.

A period of down time might be required as visual signs of peeling can be observed after this treatment.

No prior skin preparation is necessary. If medical grade retinol is used please stop 3-5 days prior to this treatment.


6% TCA solution
Key Ingredients: Lactic Acid, Trichloroacetic Acid, Trioactic Acid

This chemical peel Improves surface texture, brightens the skin while creating an even  skin tone.

An excellent option for sensitive skin, including rosacea.

Not suitable for patients who are pregnant or breast feeding, Not suitable if you have: active cold sore, Roaccutane, Psoriasis.

Ingredient allergies: Not suitable for those with a Nut Allergy.

A period of down time might be required as visual signs of peeling can be observed after this treatment.

No prior skin preparation is necessary. If medical grade retinol is used please stop 3-5 days prior to this treatment.

PCA Pure Retinol 4% or 6%

Provides dramatic and rapid rejuvenation with antioxidants protects the skin further from free radical damage, visibly smoother, brighter and more evenly toned skin.

Suitable for patients with normal to resilient skin who have ageing skin, smoker’s skin, pigmentation, photodamaged skin, acne scarring and active acne.

Great as a singular treatment for skin rejuvenation.
Great as a course of treatments 4-6 weeks apart for more some skin conditions indications.

Not suitable for patients in pregnancy / lactation, with hypersensitive skin, Aggravated rosacea, Active cold sore, Roaccutane, Psoriasis, Ingredient allergies- Vitamin A allergy.

Retinol cream needs to be stopped 5 days prior to this treatment.
Upto 7 days day down time is necessary after this treatment. Personalised post treatment advise will be given

PCA TCA peel

Key ingredients: Lactic acid 2%, Trichloracetic Acid 10% , Trioctoc Acid

Specifically formulated to treat pigmentation, fine lines and deeper wrinkles as well as some forms of scarring.

It promotes even skin tone and clears complexion.
A course of treatments might be required.
Not suitable for patients in pregnancy / lactation, with hypersensitive skin, Aggravated rosacea, Active cold sore, Roaccutane, Psoriasis, Ingredient allergies- Vitamin A allergy.

Retinol cream needs to be stopped 5 days prior to this treatment.
Up to 7 days day down time is necessary after this treatment. Personalised post treatment advice will be given.

What is Dermalux LED?

Dermalux LED is a form of PDT (Photodynamic Therapy). PDT is a form of therapy involving the use of a light source in combination with light-sensitive medication or creams to alter the activity of cells. Traditionally in the NHS, PDP is used for the treatment of some skin and eye conditions, as well as certain types of cancer.

At Hardwick Clinic we combine Light-based PDT with chemical peels and skin care products to achieve a bespoke treatment protocol that suits you. These protocols are especially effective for the treatment of acne, sun damage and to improve skin quality to reduce signs of ageing.

It is well established that PDT for acne treatment is able to reduce the activity of overactive sebaceous glands and also kills acne causing bacteria. In essence, PDT is treating the root cause of acne. PDT is also helpful for minimising acne scars and improving the general health of acne affected skin. PDT is often helpful when many other acne treatments have failed or have not produced substantial improvement. It may take several sessions to see the benefits of photodynamic therapy in treatment of acne. The results are, however, semi-permanent, lasting for several months and sometimes even longer.

In aging and/or photo damaged skin PDT works by reducing microinflammation, hence reducing collagen degradation in the skin. The aged skin is also often deprived of circulation and lymphatic drainage. Reducing inflammation with PDT also causes improvements in blood circulation and lymphatic drainage, promoting regeneration processes. Hence, there is an improvement of the appearance of the aged or photo damaged skin.

PDT in general has very few contraindications and is very well tolerated. However, if PDT is combined with chemical peels, consideration should be taken to assess your suitability for chemical peels (highlife). It is also advised to discontinue the use of retinoid or stop any creams which may contain retinoid 5 days prior PDT. PDP is contraindicated in Lupus and photosensitive dermatitis.

For patients who do not wish to use chemicals to enhance their skin we offer the following treatments


Morpheus8 by INMODE uses Microneedling RF technology which allows us to resurface superficial areas of the skin without the use of chemicals.

This is especially suitable for patients suffering from large pores, acne scaring, skin texture irregularity and fine lines.

3-6 sessions required.
48 hr down time
No pre procedure preparation. Not suitable for those using artificial tanning products.


Microdermabrasion is a procedure which involves removal of the top layer of the skin with a small hand-held device. It is considered to be a non-invasive procedure. Microdermabrasion exfoliates the skin, reduces signs of aging, reduces appearance of scars and makes the skin appear more even. The procedure is usually painless and takes approximately 20-30 min to complete.

At Hardwick Clinic we combine microdermabrasion with other skin rejuvenation procedures to optimise the results. An example of a combined procedure would be microdermabrasion, microcurrent and photodynamic therapy.

It is recommended to complete 4 to 12 procedures two to four weeks apart to achieve optimal results.


Microcurrent is a facial treatment which is used to contour, tone and firm the skin. It is helpful for toning aging skin.

Because microcurrent is sub-sensory, the treatment is soothing and most clients feel nothing at all. Microcurrent is a safe and effective technology for clients who wish to attain and maintain a healthier, younger looking appearance without resorting to more invasive procedures, such as skin booster injections, mesotherapy or PRP.

Microcurrent is very safe and clinically tested. It was first used in 1980s and received FDA approval as a muscle stimulator.

The treatment is widely used for patients experiencing facial nerve-paralysis. It was then used to treat signs of aging by stimulating the facial muscles.

Over-relaxation of facial muscles,  otherwise know as laxity, is a known sign of aging, which makes our face change shape and contributes to the appearance of jowls and a saggy, lifeless face.

Frequently Asked Questions

What conditions are suitable for these treatments?

Your doctor will always discuss these treatment with you and design a treatment plan based on your skin. In general these procedures are excellent for the following:

Reduce appearance of lines and wrinkles
Treat the results of sun damage
Improve the appearance of mild scarring
Treat certain types of acne
Reduce pigmentation, post inflammatory pigmentation, age spots, freckles and dark patches
Improve the look of skin that is dull in texture and color

When can a chemical peel not be performed?

You should not have such treatments in the following circumstances:

Active Coldsore – herpes labialis / simplex
Roaccutane use within past 6 months
Recent surgery (healing wound)
Recent radiotherapy
Sunburn from Insufficient sun protection

How many treatments do I need to have?

Usually 4-6 peels are required. Occasionally the number of peels need to be increased to achieve optimal results. The usual intervals between peels are:

4 weeks for treatment of aging, pigmentation, uneven skin tone, roughness and sun damaged skin
2 weeks for acne and oily skin

Why choose Hardwick Clinic?

At Hardwick Clinic we offer a bespoke selection of chemical peels and facial treatments to meet the needs and requirements of all of our patients.

For further information about chemical peels/skin resurfacing please contact us for a free consultation.


Hardwick Clinic

Hardwick Clinic. 227 St. Neots road, Hardwick, Cambridge, CB23 7QJ

Call us on 0782 5215531

**Results and pictures are indicative only. Actual results may vary from patient to patient

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